German Spirometry, PFT
Spirostik saves you time in daily practice and offers maximum safety for your patients
The Spirostik is the innovative USB-based solution for PC spirometry. The excellent hygiene concept and the ergonomic design help safe time in daily practice making it the first choice for measurement of lung function. The Spirostik has been designed to give accurate measurements of spirometry in line with ATS/ERS guidelines. Excellent design coupled with high level German production ensures a high quality product. The low dead space of the flow sensor (Spiraflow) and the associated low level of CO2 rebreathing make Spirostik ideally suited for examinations of patients with advanced diseases or for small children. In addition Spirostik is easily transported, contained in a small and robust case, the Spirostik can easily be moved between clinic rooms or even outside to the patient. Running under the powerful BLUE CHERRY® diagnostic software platform Spirostik provides the perfect tool for screening of restrictive and obstructive lung diseases such as COPD.

The mobile Bluetooth Spirometer
The Spirostik Blue is the latest generation of spirometry device from Geratherm Respiratory offering a powerful diagnostic tool for use in all areas from Hospitals to private clinics. The Spirostik Blue enables diagnosis, follow-up screening or severity assessment of Respiratory diseases. It can also be used to aid differential diagnosis for obstructive respiratory diseases such as, asthma, COPD or emphysema or restrictive diseases for example interstitial lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, neuromuscular disorders.

The Diffustik adapts to your needs and to those of your patients
The Geratherm Respiratory Diffustik is the ideal measurement device for lung diffusion, offering reliable, reproducible results from an infrared fast gas analyser. Diffustik has been developed as part of a modular system which can be expanded with the addition of further modules. Thus the carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (DLCO) and accompanying spirometry parameters, such as flow-volume and MVV, can be enhanced with other diagnostically relevant values, such as MIP/MEP, Rocc/Rint or respiratory resistance and lung volumes, with the addition of hardware and software options.
Patient comfort is always a priority for the designers at Geratherm Respiratory and the Diffustik is no exception designed around the height-adjustable measuring device, the device arm can be moved up and down easily and quickly by approximately 60 degrees and so offers the ability to perform examinations in either a sitting or standing position offering optimum patient comfort. The power of the Diffustik comes from the infrared fast gas analyser, enabling analysis of gas concentrations in real time during inspiration and expiration. The powerful BLUE CHERRY® software for pulmonary function diagnostic quickly calculates the results and displays user-friendly curve views along with the measurement values.

The Bodystik optimizes patient comfort and procedures
The Bodystik full body plethysmograph is designed with comfort in mind. Comfort of both, patients and users. Incorporating a sturdy swing-out-chair, patients with restricted mobility are able to access the box in comfort, this design also makes assisting patients with restricted mobility easier for the user. The fully height adjustable arm is adjusted electronically via a simple and intuitive control panel, on the outside of the cabin, allowing for small adjustments even when the cabin door is closed. This compact electronic arm helps to increase the useable internal space of the Bodystik again adding to patient comfort. The five large tempered safety glass windows of the Bodystik allow the patient a good view of the user during the test and so add to patient comfort under test conditions. The large glass surfaces help to reduce non compliance from patients who otherwise would not want to enter a body box. Patient, user Communication is via an intercom system with a microphone situated in the control panel and loudspeakers inside the Bodystik clear instructions can be given to the patient throughout the test procedure. The powerful BLUE CHERRY® software suite is enabled with functions that support the performance and control of breathing, thus the user is able to easily monitor and support the patient during testing. Bodystik optimises workflow and fits seamlessly into the daily clinical routines.

Single Platform Software BLUE CHERRY®
The powerful diagnostic platform. Where everything flows together.
BLUE CHERRY® is the powerful central diagnostic software platform of all Geratherm Respiratory products. It is scalable from a small standalone spirometry system to a network based, fully integrated pulmonary function laboratory but always keeping it easy to use with its continuous concept of operation. Smart features ensure the quality of the test and make evaluation and interpretation easy. Very versatile configuration options allow adaptation exactly to the needs and creating reports with exactly the right information. The workflow can further be optimized with seamless interfacing to HIS-systems via interfaces such as HL7. All data are stored in a secure and powerful SQL database giving all options for complex network solutions.